Bharat IPv6 Forum​

Towards Atamnirbhar.
Connected Bharat

A Brief

Bharat IPv6 Forum – “Towards Atamnirbhar Connected Bharat”, is an innovative initiative evangelised by Satya N. Gupta, NGNguru an New Internet Hall of Fame Inductee and Forum’s Founding Chairman. The Forum is being created to establish a quality, trusted and secured Next Generation Internet infrastructure in the country.

  • The forum will promote New Internet (v6) by effectively improving the market and user
    awareness for IPv6, and will build an association of IPv6 evangelists committed to working
    together to encourage provision of IPv6 products and services to the marketplace.

The launch of Bharat IPv6 Forum has created a platform for conversations on enhancing the security as well as capacity by implementing nationwide new internet infrastructure using IPv6 and also the creation of a national root server for managing trusted and secured next generation internet infrastructure.

Mission Statement & Objectives

To promote IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6: The New Internet Protocol) by enhancing the market and user awareness and expertise for IPv6, facilitating a Trusted and Secure Next Generation Internet Infrastructure by establishing national IPv6 Root Server and enabling open access to Knowledge, Technology and Digital Infrastructure in fair, equitable and Not-For- Profit basis.

Upcoming Events

Hatha Yoga

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Ashtanga Yoga

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Vinyasa Yoga

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What my clients say

How yoga has changed lives? Hear from our newest members.

Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh.
Mathew Grey
Practising for 6 months
Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh.
Hector Aldo
Practising for 2 months
Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh.
Silvia Cruz
Practising for 4 months

“Begin your journey to a better life with peace, love, and happiness”

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Business Hours

MON to FRI: 8AMto 6PM
SAT: 9AM to 12PM